As usual this is the completely subjective and naive recount of todays events by yours truly Sam French.
So I woke up and jumped on the bus after a hearty breakfast, while a certain few sleepless individuals walked straight off the fiesta streets and on to the bus.
We trekked it from lovely Segovia to San Domingo de Silos, which honestly felt like nothing, due to our tour guides voice which puts all to sleep regardless of who rested our not.
We rocked up to the town and Church in which St Dominic (Dominican) was both born and baptized. Some old monk bloke happily yabbered some history to us, much of which got lost in translation, yet was no less interesting. As his demeanour alone demanded attention and respect. He went on to tell us how he had to scurry off to high mass further in town and left us to explore the tower that the Christians built to look out for invaders.
Some of the pictures depict the awesome scenery of the tower and the garden within the walls.
After visiting the Church and town we ventured to some random town for lunch. In which literally no one spoke a word of english. Jake and I travelled high and low looking for some tapas or basically any form if decent food. Eventually I had to use my lingual skills and ask a local "Donde es buenos comida?" She motioned to a bar down the street in which my second opportunity arose and I asked "Yo quero un menu en inglis, por favor?"
Which I received the answer "No!"
So Jake and I sat down completely unaware of the food items written on the menu before us. We asked a girl nearby "Tu hablas inglis?" She scoffed and turned her nose up at us.
Which was the queue for us to stand and roll out of that place.
Eventually we settled for some pig slapped on bread in some backstreet bar which made sure to charge us even for the water we consumed.
We finally got the destination most favoured by all. The place of sleep. Which just happened to be called 'Hotel Santo Domingo de Silos.'
We feasted, prayed did sharing. When all was completed we head out into the alley to serenade the women with some hits like: she will be loved, just the way you are and grenade.
I then went off to spend hours trying to fix the photos for the blog using Awesome Adrians laptop... Fun!
Mid way through the process a fiesta broke out in the street consisting of us aussies and the spaniards. Naturally I joined in, in which soccer skills where shown off and national music tastes where compared.
Then both nations agreed on "party rock anthem" as the song we all enjoyed...this led to many walking into the bar and turning their singing skills into drinking skills, while I of course spent my time blogging... "Cough" :S
Thats about it... Over and out readers!
Sam xx
sorry about the lopsided pics, just right click and save them. Then flip them yourselves if you wish.

So I woke up and jumped on the bus after a hearty breakfast, while a certain few sleepless individuals walked straight off the fiesta streets and on to the bus.
We trekked it from lovely Segovia to San Domingo de Silos, which honestly felt like nothing, due to our tour guides voice which puts all to sleep regardless of who rested our not.
We rocked up to the town and Church in which St Dominic (Dominican) was both born and baptized. Some old monk bloke happily yabbered some history to us, much of which got lost in translation, yet was no less interesting. As his demeanour alone demanded attention and respect. He went on to tell us how he had to scurry off to high mass further in town and left us to explore the tower that the Christians built to look out for invaders.
Some of the pictures depict the awesome scenery of the tower and the garden within the walls.
After visiting the Church and town we ventured to some random town for lunch. In which literally no one spoke a word of english. Jake and I travelled high and low looking for some tapas or basically any form if decent food. Eventually I had to use my lingual skills and ask a local "Donde es buenos comida?" She motioned to a bar down the street in which my second opportunity arose and I asked "Yo quero un menu en inglis, por favor?"
Which I received the answer "No!"
So Jake and I sat down completely unaware of the food items written on the menu before us. We asked a girl nearby "Tu hablas inglis?" She scoffed and turned her nose up at us.
Which was the queue for us to stand and roll out of that place.
Eventually we settled for some pig slapped on bread in some backstreet bar which made sure to charge us even for the water we consumed.
We finally got the destination most favoured by all. The place of sleep. Which just happened to be called 'Hotel Santo Domingo de Silos.'
We feasted, prayed did sharing. When all was completed we head out into the alley to serenade the women with some hits like: she will be loved, just the way you are and grenade.
I then went off to spend hours trying to fix the photos for the blog using Awesome Adrians laptop... Fun!
Mid way through the process a fiesta broke out in the street consisting of us aussies and the spaniards. Naturally I joined in, in which soccer skills where shown off and national music tastes where compared.
Then both nations agreed on "party rock anthem" as the song we all enjoyed...this led to many walking into the bar and turning their singing skills into drinking skills, while I of course spent my time blogging... "Cough" :S
Thats about it... Over and out readers!
Sam xx
sorry about the lopsided pics, just right click and save them. Then flip them yourselves if you wish.
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