You will have to wait for the explanation of what the hell that (-->) thing is. In the meantime I will continue to let it look like a glittery and inflamed rectum.
On to the other side of the scales, where I do the classic list of examples of what you would be bombarded with if I didn't step in to stop the unending war on the negative.
- Media releases an image of Carl Williams moments before he was beaten to death on CCTV
- Pesky plankers made to pay $1500 each after posting pics of their posting online
- Reese Witherspoon was hit by a car during her morning jog and rushed to hospital... LOL
Speaking of getting hit by cars! I was innocently walking home from work yesterday when I saw the world dish out some refreshingly violent irony. None other than a driving instructor came speeding around a corner without caution and smashed a motorcyclist. He wasn't critically injured, just got a slightly mangled knee. I would have taken a picture but I probably would have been punched out by the angry bystander complaining about how the world is going to ruins because of these auto mobiles.
That's enough of all that. We need something good, something positive, something that will put a smile on our dial. I have the perfect solution: A ROBBERY!
Oh no, this is not an ordinary everyday robbery. This is a robbery for the win. This robbery takes place both within a grocery store and also within the safe confines of our happy childhood memories.
"What the hell are you talking about Sam?"
Glad you asked actually! Im talking about our friend Gumby! Notorious for his goodwill and problem solving ability, has obviously went rogue after he dropped out of popularity. I guess the only sure way to get back in the spotlight was to rob a 7/11.

That's enough of all that. We need something good, something positive, something that will put a smile on our dial. I have the perfect solution: A ROBBERY!
Oh no, this is not an ordinary everyday robbery. This is a robbery for the win. This robbery takes place both within a grocery store and also within the safe confines of our happy childhood memories.
"What the hell are you talking about Sam?"
Glad you asked actually! Im talking about our friend Gumby! Notorious for his goodwill and problem solving ability, has obviously went rogue after he dropped out of popularity. I guess the only sure way to get back in the spotlight was to rob a 7/11.

Funny as hell!

In other news. I have a gay cute and cuddly one for you. A house burst into flames and there was sceaming and yelling. The firemen noticed a poodle in the property and went in to save it. The moment the dog saw the firemen it raced down the stairs where they chased him, until the poodle led them to its 19 year old owner fast asleep in the basement. Nawww
Id like to know who sleeps in their basement anyway?
And finally: "Bible quote, story correspondence time!":
Matthew 13:44
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
This story isn't quite about finding a couple of coins in a field, or a pearl. This is about scientists who believe they found an entire planet made of DIAMOND!!!!!!!! refer to the glittery inflamed rectum above.
So I was just thinking to myself, my dad's a painter. I could lash together some ladders climb up like Gumbo did in the first episode of Gumby. And bring back some seriously impressive bling!
Thats all folks! Except for these notes...
So I was just thinking to myself, my dad's a painter. I could lash together some ladders climb up like Gumbo did in the first episode of Gumby. And bring back some seriously impressive bling!
Thats all folks! Except for these notes...
Due to popular demand of one person Joshua Gonsalves and his team. I may reconsider doing more vlogs on my youtube channel. I wont put any links down untill I successfully complete one though.
I wont torture you often with blogs of this length, I only got this far thanks to a sick stomach and a subsequent day off.
Sam xx
Sam xx
ILY Sam <3