Well lets do a basic summary of my life commentary and I'll throw down a political/ religious joke for you. (as that seems to be the running theme of the blog)
Why do these crazy things happen to me each day? I blame the system! Moreover I blame what public transport has become. It is now a forum for crazy people to unload their unwanted emotions onto the people around them. This has probably been seen by most of us, say when a couple start screaming at one another incomprehensibly over issues that no one in the 10km radius really wants to know or hear about.
The next two examples differ slightly, but are true events that occurred to me within the confines of the public transport system.
After work I was sitting at the platform, the train pulled in, and in front of me I noticed a completely bare carriage. SCORE! I stupidly thought to myself as i settled into a seat and spread my belongings around me. It seemed I was going to ride in this one solo until I got home. At least that was the case until one other girl sat herself down with a thud at the other end of the carriage. I could tell she was upset as she went on to slump her shoulders and throw her head between her knees seemingly in despair... just as her phone rang.
Being a shy soul, I slid lower into my seat to avoid eye contact, and not wanting to make her feel embarrassed that I had witnessed her in such a state. Hiding was also one of the worst ideas of my life, but I only realised this as the phone conversation progressed. The whole scene made sense when I realised the boyfriend was on the phone, and he was breaking up with her. The wailing began.
She started bawling and screaming, it was a scary hybrid of anger and sorrow (angorrow). She shopping listed all of the things that he had done wrong by her, followed by all the good times they'd had together, all intermingled and held together with a consistent snotty sniffle and snort combo.
It was to late for me to show my face or offer any consolation I had started hiding, and frankly enough I was now committed to the cause of stealth and invisibility. This went on for another 10mins until finally I got to my stop. At which I leaped forth from my seat and bailed towards the door. At seeing me she straightened up thinking that she had preserved herself from revealing what just went down. To put the icing on the cake for this experience. As I walked parallel to the train with her on it, our eyes met as the train started moving. This eye lock seemed like eternity... it was love. Jokes! It looked like she wanted my heart on a spear.
Second experience was of an entirely different nature. I was actually on the platform just before my train arrived when I witnessed another epic event. A guy and a girl were sitting with one another, and I hope for the girls sake that they were not a couple. (You will understand soon)
Coincidence maybe, but I think not, literally moments after I arrived on the scene the boy came out of the closet and admitted he was gay to the girl. She was quite taken aback it seemed, as she drew a deep breath. I merely cocked my head to the side and stared to see what happened next. My curiosity rewarded me well as the girl let out a squeal. At first I thought she was upset over a potential break up, but it turns out she was exclaiming in delight. (with retarded vocal chords) At the fact that she had finally attained a gay friend. A bond that she had so ardently desired for years.
After this there was much hugging and giggling so I soon walked away and downed my coffee and hopped on the train. The rest is history (stupid saying actually)
Last Saturday afternoon an aide to Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd visited the Bishop of the Catholic cathedral in Canberra .
He told the Cardinal that Kevin would be attending the next day's Mass, and he asked if the Cardinal would kindly point him out to the congregation and say a few words that would include calling Kevin a saint.
The Cardinal replied, "No. I don't really like the man, and there are issues of conflict with the Catholic Church over certain of his views."
Rudd's aide then said, "Look, I'll write a cheque here and now for a donation of $100,000 to your church if you'll just tell the congregation you see Kevin as a saint."
The Cardinal thought about it and said, "Well, the church can use the money, so I'll work your request into tomorrow's sermon."
As the aide promised, Foreign Minister Rudd appeared for the Sunday worship and seated himself prominently at the forward left side of the centre aisle. As promised, at the start of his sermon, the Cardinal pointed out that Mr Rudd was present.

The Cardinal concluded, "But, when compared with Prime Minister Gillard, Foreign Minister Rudd is a saint."
Sam xx
P.S: Thanks James Harrison for the joke