I will start by saying: "If your food supply was my blog entries, then you would have perished months ago!"
As we all know I am very loose in my blogging actions. I will be here one minute gone the next and the next and the next... you get my point. I'm sporadic, spontaneous, free, unplanned, off the cuff, extemporaneous (I've provided a link to save you pulling out the dictionary)
Enough of my opening rant stupidity, I am here to deliver a short commentary on what has become a large chunk of my life recently. Social Networking!!
Enough of my opening rant stupidity, I am here to deliver a short commentary on what has become a large chunk of my life recently. Social Networking!!
Now firstly I must admit. I'm not an enthusiast when it comes to all social networks. By that I mean, just because I like the idea of Social Networking doesn't mean I actively attempt to seek and find any and all social networks to sate some innate desire for the love and affection of others by creating a witty alternate cyber-self that relies on 'friendship, followers and views' to fill the void of social acceptance in my heart... Although I will clarify now that I am an active member of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Blogger (queue laugh), and a dormant member of Foursquare, Google+, Formspring and Myspace.
(I sincerely apologize for swearing)
(I sincerely apologize for swearing)
I must now ask you to strap yourselves in tight as I deliver a subjective view on the benefits found within the realm of each social network.
I'll start with Facey as it has kind of made its way into the dictionary meaning of 'social network' after the release of an aptly named film. It seems to me that other social networks measure their success by comparing themselves to 'The Facebook.' Truly though, Facebook is the ultimate social network when it comes to keeping in contact with friends and the people you actually kinda know from somewhere. Unfortunately it also works as an extremely effective tool for stalking any particular person you may wish to pursue eg; your arch nemesis, your mum, your ex, the enormous man dating your ex, and if facebook's popularity continues increasing you'll eventually be able to keep a cyber eye on your dog and neighbors cat!
Facebook has it all from stati to chats, pics to posts and even local events. It's a package deal that has not and can not be replicated now or in the foreseeable future. Although at the dawn of time there was this other social network... what was it??
Myspace - (link to me)
Myspace - (link to me)
RIP - That is all

Twitter - (link to me)
It was only recently that a friend sat me down and revealed to me the true fruits of Twitter. Up 'till then I strongly held the conviction that it was a lazy facey stripped down to naught but 'status updates.' I was so very wrong.
Twitter is the ultimate opinion medium. No matter the mood, no matter the subject. You can post anything! It's 'socially' acceptable to whinge, to promote, to share your lunch and mundane snapshots of your life. Twitter is where you can slap your life on an open smorgasbord for the world to see without fear of too much discrimination and hate. I'll make it clear for you. Say you are having a crappy day and you need to unleash your opinion. Facebook is not an option, because common sense dictates that by posting a depressing status leads to your not so close friends bitching about how much of a neg head you are all over their feed. Whereas Twitter has a much looser approach, personal opinions, feelings, and random facts are embraced and categorized with the miracle of #hashtags.
Twitter also elevates you far and beyond your restricted physical social circles. On Twitter you are one with the stars, and can share in their awesome lives, comment on their fancy lunch pics and tweet @them in the desperate hope of a @reply.

I refuse to entertain and explain the obvious. I use Blogger to blog. I use it to spout randomness and to promote my Vlogs. Its great and very simple but very unexciting unfortunately. Also I wouldn't have a clue about the advanced use of Blogger either. I kinda just write and click 'post.'
I refuse to entertain and explain the obvious. I use Blogger to blog. I use it to spout randomness and to promote my Vlogs. Its great and very simple but very unexciting unfortunately. Also I wouldn't have a clue about the advanced use of Blogger either. I kinda just write and click 'post.'
The Rest
Ok the commentary on the next few is short because I am not well enough acquainted to make any kind of convincing arguments for or against them:
Ok the commentary on the next few is short because I am not well enough acquainted to make any kind of convincing arguments for or against them:
Google+ is simply the definition of complete confusion. There are circles and chats and outrageous interfaces fused together to create an irritating disease that causes brain rash. It is the mentally ill and physically deformed brother of Facebook.
Formspring is way to narrow in its field of features. It consists of getting to know someone through the use of questions. It is clunky, faulty and noneffective. But if you enjoy asking a friend a question and getting a response in 2025 when they remember they have a Formspring account due to a lucky spam message in their inbox that happens to catch their attention. Then be my guest.

FourSquare has a whole bunch of interesting features. But it's audience and target market is that of successful business men and women. Considering I am spending time writing a blog about social networks you may have gathered that I do not fit this description. Therefore FourSquare is useless to me...and anyone with a Facebook account.
After all that. I must thank you for reading this far. I bid you well. Until next time fair reader!
Sam xx
Sam xx