Whatever! It was only18 days.

So I wont spend much time, I will actually have my absence explained by the end of this paragraph. Basically I was very busy with work/youth group/life, and thus had later nights, thus later mornings, thus no blog time, thus my absence... Got that? (I don't care what you think anyway)
Ok onto the headlining topic of today's blog. Glass Half Full. This is obviously an allusion to the recurring motif "positivity" found within my writings. But as you may have guessed. It's a big deal to me.
Best example would be to look at "The Rolling Stones." They 'had it all', so to say. Yet Jagger still couldn't get no satisfaction. I'm going to go ahead and say because of the extreme media influence on his life, he had clearly developed a whingy attitude.
There's no person more annoying than that girl or guy who whinges all the time, is there? You can be having a great day until they come along with their devo dance and tell you off for double boiling the water in their tea. Or getting scolded for offering them food not of the 100% organic society of Australasia approved variety.
So some may say it's only the spoilt ones that whinge, but there are also those on the opposite end of the spectrum that plead they deserve more than they have and spend their lives making that point clear to the world around them, rather than striving for what they desire. So in the end it boils down to attitude.
It is really up to you to make the choice of whether you want to be a negative or positive person. You really just have to take every situation and look at it in the right way. Try and see all the positives that come from a situation rather than negging out.
For example: You catch a cold and are feeling really run down. It's easy to mope around popping pills with a sad face, while posting a depressing facebook status and screaming "Why Me?" On the flip side of that you could take joy in getting the day off work, and look forward to having a strengthened immune system in a few days.
The Bible says in Romans 12:2:
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
So basically don't follow suit and whinge like celebrities, exclaiming you cant get no satisfaction. Take joy in life and what you have and do. Because even if you feel like crap, yet you wear a smile, you might just brighten someone elses day!

Peace Out
Sam xx
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